Segmenting Customers for Campaigns

Use tags and ribbons to segment data

Customer Segmentation is very important in marketing. MeraCRM Tags and Ribbons helps you to mark customers with references and 7 color codes. This means you have got unlimited ways to categorize your customers for marketing and sales!

Use filters to define to create dynamic segments

Today's business dynamics demands dynamic segmentation of customers. With MeraCRM filters, you can segment customer data by various fields and save them as dynamic report. It always gives you an up to date dynamic segment report even for newly added or modified customer data.

Segment customers by products

Got product update or a price update, its dream to get list of customers who needs such information. MeraCRM gives you list of customers by the products to target.

Product wise segmentation of customers using filters and target them for marketing.

Product wise segmentation of customers using filters and target them for marketing.

Segment people based on their purchase behavior

Its validated fact that 20% of our customers gives us 80% business. But it's really hard to find such customers to focus. With MeraCRM custom forms, custom fields and filters, you can segment your customers by their purchase power to get better results in marketing.

Know the purchase behavior of your customer and target right customer for your product.

Know the purchase behavior of your customer and target right customer for your product.

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