Smoothing Business processes with CRM

Dashboards to keep eye on important things

One brain, two eyes and two ears are not enough to absorb all information coming from every corner. MeraCRM dashboard does the hard work for you to track all important metrics and keep you alerted, whenever required.

Define routine operations with Automation

Standardization of processes and routines makes operations breeze. Instead of reminding team every time about routine tasks, its better to tell MeraCRM automation once and it will monitor processes on behalf of you.

Email Automation to send automated alerts to your team when a new inquiry comes.

Email Automation to send automated alerts to your team when a new inquiry comes.

Get preventive alerts with Automation

Solving problems is good, but preventing problem is ideal. With MeraCRM Automation one can watch for preventive situations and set alerts to do smart work instead of the hard work that you need to do when the problem arises.

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