Managing Finance in CRM

Quotations with history of all revisions

We Indians are known for negotiation everywhere and so our customers. In India no deal gets closed in one quotation. MeraCRM saves each revision of quotes you make. Helps you to lookup negotiation history for this deal or a next one.

Convert quotes into invoice and send it instantly

After many negotiations, no sales person wants to wait for a second to get the customer billed. With MeraCRM it's just one click work. All you need is to select the quote revision and convert that as invoice and email it to client.

Visualize pending Invoices with Invoice Pipeline

Winning order and sending invoice is good, but not a complete win until we get money. With MeraCRM you can define invoice stages and visualize where your hard earned money got stuck.

Invoice and Quotation management to view and manage all the Quotation and Invoice in different stages.

Invoice and Quotation management to view and manage all the Quotation and Invoice in different stages.

Simple Credit/Debit is accounting for non-accounting people

Accounting is whole new world for people in field. But money is driving force for everything. Simple Credit/Debit helps you manage simple accounting for each customer. Credit is when they buy and Debit is when they pay, balance is the outstanding amount.

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